What is MOSFET Mag?

Welcome to MOSFET Mag. My name is Melinda Wyers and I write a new ≈800 word piece of fiction about twice a month. These stories are not serialized and are in various genres. While I call it a magazine it is not currently open for submissions, each piece is by me unless otherwise stated.

Subscribe to get full access to each story and website.

What’s a MOSFET?

N-Channel Mosfet
This is a MOSFET

In easy terms, a MOSFET is an electrical component that allows you to control high power components with lower power ones. Like using a 3v power button to control something that throws 12v, you’d wire the MOSFET between them to keep from melting the button.

What does that have to do with short fiction?

Absolutely nothing. Or, maybe it’s an allegory for small fiction with lots of power, whatever you want it to be.


For those who want to support my writing beyond trusting me with your email address you can buy me a drink. I probably won’t move over to Substack’s subscription plans unless this takes off.


Need to tell me something but can’t do it publicly? mosfetmag@hotmail.

Need to tell me something but can do it publicly? @mosfetmag.

Subscribe to MOSFET Mag

Short fiction by Melinda Wyers.


Writer from Austin Tx.
UX Designer and fiction writer.